Nicki Minaj新单曲Starships封面发布 (图片)


Nicki Minaj新单曲Starships封面发布 (图片)

上面是Nicki Minaj即将发布的新单曲Starships封面,歌曲来自她的新专辑Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded,4月3日发行。

Nicki谈到这首歌曲说到:“Starships’ is one of my absolute, absolute favorite records on Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded. It just sounds like a Ryan Seacrest-type of record. And I’m so excited for you to give this song your blessing, Ryan, because I know people are gonna love it. It feels right. It just feels good. It makes people feel happy and that’s all I want. I want to start the year off with making people feel good.”

上一篇:Nicki Minaj新歌Young Forever发布 (音乐)


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