Rihanna谈论前男友Chris Brown落泪: We’ll Always Love Each Other
Rihanna接受Oprah的Next Chapter节目采访时谈到了她的前男友Chris Brown,RiRi很激动落泪。
“We’ve been working on our friendship again, and now we’re really, really close friends. We built a trust again, and that’s it. We love each other, and we probably always will….I think he was the love of my life”
她否认与Breezy谈恋爱: He is in a relationship of his own,说自己是单身。
Rihanna还承认前段时间在法国的St. Tropez与Chris见过面。
上一篇:Rihanna告诉Oprah:对Chris Brown 09年动手感到尴尬 她失去了最好的朋友 (视频)
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