Kanye West也有了自己的性录像带,即将流出?女主角像女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian (照片)


Kanye West也有了自己的性录像带,即将流出?女主角像女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian (照片)

Kanye West在单曲Clique里唱到“My girl a superstar all from a home movie.” 提到女友Kim Kardashian与Ray J的录影带。不过,Kim并不孤独,Yeezy现在也有性录像带。

Kanye West也有了自己的性录像带,即将流出?女主角像女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian (照片)

看过录像带的RadarOnline报道,Yeezy的性录像带里的女生与现任女友Kim长相相似。录像带大约20分钟,在一宾馆里拍摄,而那位女生没有具体姓名,她在录像带的开始表示自己18岁,而且表示向Yeezy坦白自己已经结婚,但没有夫妻生活,所以来到这里。”My husband and I don’t have sex anymore… that’s why I’m here!”

Kanye West曾经在与其他女人亲热时候观看现在女友卡戴珊与Ray J性爱录影带


“The sex tape is being shopped right now and there’s a lot of interest, but Kanye is freaking out!” the insider revealed.

“He doesn’t want this tape out and will do anything to make sure it stays private. If this were to hit the market it would be worth a fortune… there would definitely be a lot of people wanting to see this!”

上一篇:Kanye West将为女友卡戴珊Kim Kardashian生日花$100万美元

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