另外一部Lil Wayne在法庭上取证视频


昨天我们看到Lil Wayne在起诉QDIII案件上,在对方律师取证时,回答所有问题时暂时失忆:我不知道。这是另一部。看得出Weezy对QDIII对他版权的侵犯有点生气。

(Lawyer) And who did you tell? Do you have any idea?
(Weezy) No. I just told the people that handles those situations for me.
(Lawyer) Who would that have been?
(Weezy) That would be the peoples that handles those situations for me.
(Lawyer) Can you name some names?
(Weezy) Sorry, I can’t recall the names off top.
(Lawyer) Who are the people that likely would be told by you?
(Weezy) The first person that likely that would have been told by me would be God because I tell him everything. (Lawyer: Who is that?) God. G.O.D.
(Lawyer) Oh, as in God who rules over us all.
(Weezy) Yes Sir.
(Lawyer) And you do you remember in particular what you told to God that you didn’t like about the documentary?
(Weezy) No, I don’t.

上一篇:Lil Wayne在家乡新奥尔良做善事,建成一座Trukstop滑板公园

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