Jay-Z在美国总统Obama竞选宣传片中,为Obama拉票 (视频)


美国总统Barack Obama竞选阵营发布新的纪录片”The Power of Our Voice” ,作为Obama的支持者和好朋友,Jay-Z在视频中谈支持Obama: “President Obama represents the power of our voice.”

“For so long, there was this voice that was silenced out there as far as exercising your right to vote. I think it was a voice that was silent because people had lost hope. They didn’t believe that their voice mattered or counted.”

“Now people are exercising their right, and you are starting to see the power of our vote. He made it mean something for the first time for a lot of people. ”


上一篇:美国总统Barack Obama见到Jay-Z和Beyonce夫妇照片

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