Jay-Z将拍卖10件限量版布鲁克林网队球衣 (照片)


Jay Z将拍卖10件限量版布鲁克林网队球衣 (照片)

Jay-Z将为了支持他的慈善基金会The Shawn Carter Foundation,拍卖10件限量版布鲁克林网队球衣,球衣背后名字为Carter 4,拍卖将在Auctions.NBA网站进行。

The Shawn Carter Foundation基金会致力于帮助上不起学的孩子实现上学的梦想。

“The Shawn Carter Foundation was established by Shawn Carter and his mother Gloria Carter in 2003 as a 501c3 public charity, under the name Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund. The Foundation’s mission is to help individuals facing socioeconomic hardships further their education at institutions of higher learning. Since its inception, the Foundation has distributed over $1.6M in scholarships to needy students throughout the nation, and through its annual college tours, it has also exposed nearly 300 underserved youth to various colleges and universities.”

上一篇:Jay-Z在美国总统Obama竞选宣传片中,为Obama拉票 (视频)

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Jay Z将拍卖10件限量版布鲁克林网队球衣 (照片)
Jay Z将拍卖10件限量版布鲁克林网队球衣 (照片)

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