50 Cent和师父Eminem谈合作单曲My Life和单曲MV (视频)


50 Cent和师父Eminem和Adam Levine合作单曲My Life已经发行. 这是MTV播出的几周前Em和Fif谈单曲My Life和在底特律拍摄的单曲MV


“The video is kind of abstract; it’s kind of metaphoric in a sense, like the paranoia of feeling like we’re being chased. Whether it’s true or not, it’s kind of how we feel. It’s kind of a metaphor for us running for our lives. Personal lives and from fame, everything that goes with the game.”

50 Cent说专辑相对以前更加个人化…为了这张专辑,我比以往更经常来底特律和Em一起工作:

“The album itself is more personal than the albums in the past Now this record, it’s allowed us to do different things creatively. I’ve been able to come out a few times, more than usual to come to Detroit and work with Em for this record.”

上一篇:50 Cent Ft. Eminem x Adam Levine – My Life 下载 | 歌词

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