15年后The Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie)尸检报告首次公布 (4个枪击部位图片)
2012-12-07The Notorious B.I.G. 在1997年3月9日洛杉矶在车上被人枪杀后离世,之后关于Biggie aka Christopher Wallace 的离开一直具有争议。15年后现在,Biggie的尸检报告首次公布。
根据TMZ拿到的尸检报告显示,当时24岁的Biggie是乘坐雪佛兰Suburban越野车,坐在副驾驶座,在车开到洛杉矶的Wilshire Blvd 威尔夏大道遭枪击4次。报告称,4次枪击中,有3发不是致命的。
回顾:Rolling Stone列出历史上最伟大的50首Hip-Hop歌曲, Eminem, 2Pac, Biggie等 (1-50首)
– Gunshot #1 struck Wallace in the left forearm and traveled down to his wrist.
– Gunshot #2 struck Wallace in the back, missed all vital organs, and exited through his left shoulder.
– Gunshot #3 struck Wallace on his outer left thigh and exited through his inner left thigh.
The fatal bullet was Gunshot #4 which entered the rapper’s body through his right hip and ripped its way through several vital organs before coming to rest in his left shoulder area.
Biggie受伤后马上被送往当地西达赛奈Cedars-Sinai医院,医生对他进行了紧急抢救,但因为太晚,在凌晨1:15分时,被宣布去世。TMZ还提到,在尸检报告的其中一页,在标题为Other Pertinent Information其他相关信息的一页,下面写着:死者可能是说唱歌手。
“Other Pertinent Information” which reads: “Decedent may be rap singer.”
上一篇:The Notorious B.I.G.拍摄Warning MV现场 (未发布视频)
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