Kanye West突然出现向好兄弟Pharrell现场提问问题吸取营养 (视频)


Pharrell在迈阿密的Art Basel活动现场举办新书Places & Spaces I’ve Been的Q&A时,好兄弟Kanye West突然出现,还现场提出问题说,他是如何形成自己的高品位艺术风格以及如何影响那么多人。

Skateboard P告诉‘Ye说:Mr. West, how you doing? Thanks for joining us…When you step into this real world of art, design, and fashion, you realize that all great things are made from a functional viewpoint first. And that was one of the greatest lessons I had to learn.

上一篇:Kanye West, Pharrell出席Terry Richardson在迈阿密新书签售Party (照片)

詹姆斯与Kanye West, Kim Kardashian聚在一起庆祝新球帽产品线上市 (照片)

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