Lil Wayne救人了! 歌曲Tie My Hands 拯救了驻阿富汗美军士兵的生命 (视频)


Lil Wayne救人了! 歌曲Tie My Hands 拯救了驻阿富汗美军士兵的生命 (视频)

Lil Wayne的歌曲不同程度影响了许多人,而这次,是拯救了人的生命。下面故事是Lil Wayne的歌曲Tie My Hands拯救了在阿富汗的一名美军士兵的生命。这位士兵叫Lander Chappell,他在阿富汗时服役的工作是拆简易爆炸装置炸弹(IED),他在微博上说:我要感谢Lil Wayne的歌曲Tie My Hands,当我踩到IED爆炸装置时,这首歌让我活下来。它给我很大鼓励。
“Would like to thank Lil Wayne for making Tie My Hands. It kept me alive when I stepped on an IED in Afghanistan. That song is inspiration.”

回顾:T.I.又救人了!救了著名摇滚乐队Creed的主唱Scott Stapp 

“我一直放着这首歌,一直唱这首歌,我脑子里都是这首歌的Beat… 有一天,我们去排除一条马路的简易爆炸装置,我们一伙伴漏了一颗,我走过去时,右脚踩上去了,结果…我的右腿没了。”

“I play it all the time. And I sing it all the time. And the beat’s always in my head,” “Tie My Hands.”
“We were going to clear this road, and we had a thing that shoots grenades down the road. Pressure grenades to put pressure on the ground to blow any pressure plate IED’s,….We had a guy who was clearing. I guess he just missed it. And as I came up, I stepped to the right just a little bit and next thing I knew, I was in the air. I’m looking at the sky. I don’t wanna look, I don’t wanna look. At the same time, you really want to look because you just want to see. Make sure. But my leg, it was gone.”


“He was like, ‘I got something for you,’ ” “Sing your song. Sing your favorite song. Sing it, sing it, sing it….It got my mind off it and finally the medivac came. We were still singing. We get on to the medivac. It’s one of the things I really appreciate him doing for me.”

上一篇:Lil Wayne一次性付清$700万美元税,迈阿密豪宅差点被美国国税局查封 (照片)

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