Kim Kardashian谈和Beyonce关系,谈男友Kanye West,谈怀孕 (视频)


怀孕的Kim Kardashian来到Sway in the Morning节目,谈到和Beyonce关系,谈男友Kanye West,谈怀孕。

回顾:Kanye West和Kim Kardashian洛杉矶买下价值7000万元豪宅 (照片)

谈到Beyonce,Kim提到Beyonce是非常sweet的人,是我见过最sweet的人,她和Beyonce之间也没有谈过怀孕的事情。“We’ve never even talked about it. It doesn’t even come up in conversation, probably because they get so many ridiculous stories brought to them everyday with things that are true and not true. And vice versa.”

上一篇:Kanye West和怀孕女友Kim Kardashian卡戴珊在巴黎 (照片)

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