50 Cent 对Chief Keef被拘留不感到意外:Wish Him The Best (视频)


50 Cent正在纽约签售新书Formula 50,Fif被MTV问到关于芝加哥说唱歌手Chief Keef被拘留,他说:…我感觉很糟,我事先预料到事情会这样发生…还没来得及跟Keef交流,祝福他。

回顾:Chief Keef 因为违反缓刑期规定被拘留

“With Chief Keef, it’s unfortunate to hear that he’s actually locked up,…I feel bad, because I feel like I knew that was gonna happen. I knew what continues to happen afterwards if you let it spiral out of control. .. I haven’t been in communication with him, following that. I wish him the best. ”

Fif 出现Keef的首张专辑歌曲Hate Bein’ Sober上,对于Keef的才华Fif很赞赏,

“I think he has something, obviously. Even within the systems no one has done nothing for Chief Keef. He’s still just raw talent because he shot all his music videos in the living room. He hasn’t had a music video that cost more than $4,000, so that should indicate to other raw talent out there that they can do it with the means that they have around them.”

上一篇:50 Cent与Snoop Dogg, Young Jeezy合作歌曲Major Distribution MV拍摄 (视频)

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