Frank Ocean要来上海了!格莱美之后居住在上海,一待就是2年


Frank Ocean要来上海了!格莱美之后居住在上海,一待就是2年

如果要说Frank Ocean和中国上海之间有什么联系,似乎没有,想想要说联系就是Ocean意思是海=上海的海。

刚刚与Chris Brown有过录音室摩擦后,接着是马上在格莱美上表演。正在风头上的他最新登上了New York Times杂志封面,在接受采访中,他想出国避避风头,而目的地是中国, 上海。而出发时间是在格莱美之后。他将在上海住上一段时间,一住就是2年,他开始写作,在离美国遥远的地方写作。

“Ocean told me he was headed to Shanghai after the Grammys with his equipment in tow, some new recordings already in hand, and plans to write “in remote locations for the next two years.” In previous interviews he mentioned also wanting to write a book. “I’ve started writing the book,” he told me. “You can say that. It’s fiction, and it’s about brothers. That’s all I’m going to say.””

回顾:Frank Ocean发公开信“原谅”Chris Brown 不会提起诉讼 (图片)

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