50 Cent给好兄弟Wiz Khalifa养小孩经验


50 Cent给好兄弟Wiz Khalifa养小孩经验

50 Cent是3个孩子的父亲,他有丰富的养小孩经验。Wiz Khalifa儿子出生后,Fif 祝贺了好兄弟Wiz,另在戴通纳500赛车Daytona 500名人比赛现场,他给Wiz带小孩的经验。

Fif说,你保持呼吸,你小孩开始进入你生活…会哭会闹,你不清楚他要你抱还是看着他.. 要学会耐心和他们交流…不要害怕抱他,虽然他很小很脆弱,你会怕..
“You’ve gotta breathe. Inhale, exhale. ‘Cause your baby will run your life,” “It’s gonna cry. [Makes crying sound.] WHAT? What’s the matter? You need to use the bathroom? You hungry? ‘No, I just want you to pick me up.’ Or, ‘No, I just want you to look at me.’

“That’s their whole communication to you, so you have to be patient enough to figure it out, to understand it. …Also, don’t be afraid to actually hold it–it’s fragile, so you might be afraid.”

上一篇: 50 Cent 这下在全球观众面前尴尬了.. (视频)

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