谁将是今年Hottest MC’s In The Game活动最火说唱歌手 (视频)


谁将是今年Hottest MC’s In The Game活动最火说唱歌手 (视频)

每年MTV都会排出当年的最火说唱歌手Hottest MC’s In The Game。

MTV已经启动今年的Hottest MC’s,Sway问了很多人,Ne-Yo认为Drake是今年最火说唱歌手。

他说: “From the stuff that he’s doing on his own, to all his features. If you’re the kind of person who really goes through and dissects lyrics and the way he puts words together, that dude definitely knows what he’s doin”

NBA明星泰森·钱德勒 Tyson Chandler认为是Kendrick Lamar, 卡梅隆·安东尼喜欢old school,选择Nas…下周MTV将陆续公布前10最火说唱歌手。


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