Ciara登上ANNEX杂志封面 (图片)


Ciara登上ANNEX杂志封面 (图片)

上一篇:Rihanna好朋友Melissa微博冒犯Ciara引起争执,Future支持女友Ciara (照片)
Ciara正式发布新专辑新单曲Body Party 男友Future联合创作 (音乐)

谈论新专辑One Woman Army: I am approaching this record in a different way than I have any other project before. While recording “One Woman Army” I have been running towards my fears and allowing myself to be vulnerable in many ways; for the first time I allowed myself to be completely open in the music making process. I can honestly say this is the most fun that I’ve ever had making an album.

音乐灵感来源: I really love listening to artists like Lana Del Ray, Kendrick Lamar, Drake just to name a few. However, I continue to find inspiration from the generation of greats such as Michael Jackson, Prince and Madonna.

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