Lupe Fiasco 针对50 Cent?抨击音乐传播暴力…


Lupe Fiasco 针对50 Cent?抨击音乐传播暴力...

Lupe Fiasco 不久前他的城市芝加哥一个6个月大的婴儿死于枪击,现在他在微博上抨击,抨击音乐传播暴力:

Lupe Fiasco新歌Jonylah Forever献给芝加哥遭枪击去世的6月大婴儿 (音乐)

Violent music (and all violent media) effectively says its “ok” to be violent. It provides positive reinforcement for negative actions. If you rap and make violent music then own up to it. Stop hiding behind “art imitating life” as a way to evade the guilt. The issue stands that violent music puts violence into this world one way or another. It creates the atmosphere that violence is an acceptable means to an end. Agree or disagree doesnt really matter at this point honestly. But to not even acknowledge the possibility that violent music has even the most minute effect on violence in the world is frankly bulls***.

I’ve made violent music. Done violent things. Most my friends are violent. Lived in violent neighbors. Seen violence first hand. A certain point you start to get tired of it. You ask why? why is it like this? what is causing this? why is this ok to live like this? Then you turn on the news and see that a 12 month old got shot in the face by two teenagers in Georgia for no reason at all. Then you hear a song on the radio talking about “shooting everyone in sight”…bad times man…f***…

You may not give two s**ts about the next man and his troubles and thats cool with me…live you life…but I do and most people I know do. But dont sit there and act like high ass inner city murder rates are just falling from the sky for absolutely no reason… everything plays a part…EVERYTHING. Take responsibility for the part you play. motherf***ers can at least start there. yeah I got issues. My hood aint been safe in 25 years! At the point now u can die for nothing. just random death and disregard. tired of it. I know you don’t hear me. I guess its the LAST desperate act of a desperate man in desperate times. On one…peace…

– Lupe Fiasco

Lupe写到的别试图用艺术源于生活这一说法为传播暴力音乐而逃避内疚, (Stop hiding behind “art imitating life” as a way to evade the guilt. ),引用的art imitating life正巧也是50 Cent 几天前在CBS里采访讲的话。

50 Cent 视频里讲到他的音乐不美化暴力,而是来自自己经历,叫做艺术源于生活“art imitating life”,视频进入下一页:

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