Chris Brown谈R.I.P.歌曲上攻击Drake: ..我不是说唱歌手


Chris Brown谈R.I.P.歌曲上攻击Drake: ..我不是说唱歌手

Chris Brown发布了新专辑第一单曲Fine China, 在Shade 45的Sway in the Morning被问到R.I.P.上Remix歌曲中攻击Drake时。

“If you started from the bottom, gon’ and come out the closet”

Chris Brown 在歌曲R.I.P. (Remix) 攻击Drake完整歌词 (歌词/ Lyrics)

“You can’t take me serious, I’m not a rapper,..It’s hip-hop. It’s not gon’ escalate. It’s like kiddie rap right now. I’d rather put my frustrations and whatever I gotta say out in my music ’cause I know nothin’ finna happen, so I say whatever I want. Rebuttals just gonna be stupid. I’m not a rapper, so you gon’ be stupid rapping back to a singer. But I’m gon’ keep comin’ ni**a, I don’t care.”

上一篇:看看Beyonce, Chris Brown, Usher, Rihanna等36位R&B明星小时候 (35张照片)

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