Nicki Minaj:我歌词比大多数男说唱歌手都要好…(视频)


Nicki Minaj:我歌词比大多数男说唱歌手都要好...(视频)

Nicki Minaj 发布了与老板Lil Wayne合作歌曲High School,在接受MTV采访谈到她的新歌和事业时。Nicki觉得自己在圈子里没受到应有尊重,自信表示:我歌词比大多数男说唱歌手都要好..

“[With her upcoming album Pink Friday: The Pinkprint] I care less about the acceptance and more about me being the lyrical, ill bi**h that I am, knowing that I am lyrically better than most of the male rappers out there—yes, I’m gonna say it. I don’t get the credit that I deserve.”

Nicki Minaj与老板Lil Wayne合作单曲High School官方MV (视频)

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