Nicki Minaj把自己比作“贱女孩”里的林赛·罗韩 (视频)


Nicki Minaj把自己比作“贱女孩”里的林赛·罗韩 (视频)

当宣传新MV High School时,Nicki Minaj被MTV问到高中的自己像电影“贱女孩”Mean Girls里的哪个角色时,Nicki把自己比作林赛·罗韩Lindsay Lohan饰演的角色Cady。

Nicki Minaj:我歌词比大多数男说唱歌手都要好…(视频)


“When I was in grade school–my parents, whenever they would fight we would have to move again and so I ended up going to a lot of schools and I would always get grilled by everyone and so the cool girls, I could front and fit in with them if I wanted to but then I would just be like ew,..Eventually I was like you ain’t even my cup of tea like I’m on my Nicki ish. But I think with the “Mean Girls” thing I was definitely always the new girl because I was just always the new girl everywhere.”

Nicki Minaj与老板Lil Wayne合作单曲High School官方MV (视频)


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