Nicki Minaj和导演谈High School MV里Nicki和Lil Wayne床戏接吻镜头


Nicki Minaj:我歌词比大多数男说唱歌手都要好…(视频)

Nicki Minaj和导演谈High School MV里Nicki和Lil Wayne床戏接吻镜头


“Not only is he my boss, but he’s also like my brother,…It’s very weird because I’m just used to Wayne making fun of me, and all of Young Money boys making fun of me, so every time they yelled ‘Cut!’ I was just being picked on. It was completely them being bullies to me. But it’s still like Wayne is still so sexy and so I texted Wayne and I was like, you’re going to have all the chicks back on you, know what I’m saying? Because when this video comes out, he looks like art, he looks like a piece of art all tatted up, all sexy, black and beautiful.”

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