Too Short 不同意Snoop Dogg:我们不能取笑同性恋说唱歌手


Too Short 不同意Snoop Dogg:我们不能取笑同性恋说唱歌手

之前,Snoop Dogg针对同性恋问题发表了他的观点,他表示说唱界难以接受Gay-Rapper。

Snoop Dogg Lion 难以接受说唱歌手是Gay,谈Frank Ocean

同样是在西海岸的Too Short现在有不同观点,他对hip hop还没接受gay说唱歌手现象说:我们现在是时候允许Gay说唱歌手结婚,我们不能取笑说唱歌手是Gay…

“I just feel like at this point in time we should allow gay people to get married, we should not ridicule anyone who comes out, just go with it, it’s just a lifestyle,…Plus I feel like if somebody- all these upstanding people who are like ‘no its bad’ -if we went in their closets oh my god….”

Tyler, The Creator说他早知道Frank Ocean是Gay

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