Beyonce和Andre 3000翻唱Amy Winehouse的歌曲,但Amy父亲非常不喜欢


Beyonce和Andre 3000翻唱Amy Winehouse的歌曲,但Amy父亲非常不喜欢

Beyonce和Andre 3000翻唱已故Amy Winehouse的歌曲Back to Black。

Beyonce x Andre 3000 – Back To Black (了不起的盖茨比歌曲/歌词 / Lyrics)

歌曲作为电影了不起的盖茨比The Great Gatsby原声带,但Amy的父亲Mitch Winehouse一点也喜欢,现在他直接在微博上评价Andre的部分:糟透了..

I just heard the Andre part of Back to Black. Terrible. He should have let Beyonce do it all.

Beyoncé的Mrs. Carter Show巡回演唱会纪念册性感照片 (18张)


I don’t think she brings anything to it,..I wasn’t asked for my permission if they could record it.

不过Back to Black歌曲原制作人Mark Ronson很喜欢,他在EastVillageRadio节目上表扬了歌曲,他感到荣幸,相信Amy也会喜欢:

It’s a wonderful sort of take on our song,..I’m flattered and honoured. I know Amy would be too.

Beyonce禁止摄影师在Mrs. Carter演唱会上拍照..除了一个人..

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