Rihanna准备发布她的River Island时装第二季..提前预览 (视频)


Rihanna准备发布她的River Island时装第二季..提前预览 (视频)

Rihanna For River Island时装已经有了第一季系列。现在,RiRi已经准备好了第二季系列产品。这部最新视频中,Rihanna提前给我们展示了时装的样子。5月25日上市。


“I just wanted stuff that I wanted to wear because at the end of the day that’s what got me into designing – seeing things on the rack that were great, but that could have been a little more me. Maybe they could have been a little longer or shorter, or have a little more sex appeal or a little less. I wanted to make clothes for fat days; stuff that I want to wear. I was being selfish. Hopefully, my friends and people who shop at River Island will have the same taste.”


“I made a piece for everybody in my crew, we all have different body types and different tastes – some are braver than others. I think like that because that’s how women in the world are. We’re all different, we like different things, we have different occasions and different moods.”


上一篇:Rihanna最近不需要男人..紧紧抱着最好的朋友庆祝生日 (9张照片)

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