

Facebook和他的广告代理商回应,回应中错误地把Dr.Dre拖下水指出Dre制作了歌曲Under the Influence,而Dr.Dre事实上和歌曲Under the Influence并不相关:

Counsel falsely and wrongfully alleged that Andre Young, professionally known as Dr. Dre, composed ‘Under the Influence.’ Yet, a simple Internet search of the Eminem/D12 Composition would have revealed that “Under the Influence” was composed by Marshall Mathers, III, and members of D12, including Denaun Porter, Von Carlisle, Ondre Moore, R. Arthur Johnson, and DeShaun Holton. Dr. Dre likewise did not produce ‘Under the Influence.’

Facebook和他的广告代理商随后再做了额外声明,控诉Dre在歌曲中采样了Michael Jackson的歌曲。

Eight Mile Style起诉Facebook赔偿费用$15万美元。

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