真是没有眼光..Cash Money老板Birdman没有签下Kanye West..否则现在有更多的Cash


真是没有眼光..Cash Money老板Birdman没有签下Kanye West..否则现在有更多的Cash

Cash Money的制作人Mannie Fresh参与制作了Kanye West厂牌的联合专辑Cruel Summer,对他来说具有里程碑意义。而他与Yeezy早在很多年以前就已经认识。

Fresh近日接受采访时透露了Kanye是如何出道的。很有意思的是,Yeezy早期刚刚出来的时候,接触了如今非常火热的厂牌Cash Money(Lil Wayne所在的厂牌,老板是Birdman),寻求被签约。


“I’ve been knowing him actually before he even had a deal. He actually came to Cash Money looking for a deal. He’s one of the greats.”


“When Kanye and Mikkey first came as a group, he didn’t have no equipment so I lent him my equipment. This was my first introduction to him, and the only thing I can say is it was a blessing, because he came back and looked back. Without knowing him, I just felt like he was a good dude and lent him some equipment or whatever to do what he had to do and he never forgot about it.”

看看如今Kanye取得的成就,令人感慨… 最后悔的肯定是Cash Money老板Birdman,否则他现在有更多的cash在他手里。

Birdman还后悔没有签下T.I.和Young Jeezy,他居然有这么多后悔的事情。

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完了! Kanye West的Gay设计师分享他与一个超级男明星有过最棒的同性恋经历..

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