Will Smith毫不客气不给面子直接炮轰卡戴珊家族..因为她们太追求名声


Will Smith毫不客气不给面子直接炮轰卡戴珊家族..因为她们太追求名声

不管儿子Jaden与卡戴珊亲妹妹Kylie Jenner据说在谈恋爱,女儿Willow近日也与Kylie聚会。还是Will Smith几个月前与卡戴珊和Kanye在巴西一起度假。Smith依旧对卡戴珊家族有些看法。

Will认为她们一家太追求名声,陶醉于成名。显然,他不是她们的Keeping Up With the Kardashians真人秀节目的粉丝…

儿子Jaden Smith和爸爸近日一起接受采访时刚刚要回答他与卡戴珊亲妹妹是否在谈恋爱,爸爸打断并直接炮轰卡戴珊家族。

Will Smith, Kanye West和怀孕女友Kim Kim Kardashian游玩巴西 (照片)


“I’m trying to understand…”


“Don’t. You know, he’s never had to, to deal with those kinds of questions.”


For our family, the entire structure of our life, our home, our business relationships—the entire purpose is for everyone to be able to create in a way that makes them happy. Fame is almost an inconsequential by-product of what we’re really trying to accomplish. We are trying to put great things into the world, we’re trying to have fun, and we’re trying to become the greatest versions of ourselves in the process of doing things we love. So the idea of fame or exploitation or orchestrating the media is sometimes even less than desirable for us.

能让Will Smith生气的事情不多,不过拿他的家庭与卡戴珊家族相比让他不乐意…

Will Smith重回录音室,因为Kanye West (视频)

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