触目惊心! 扮演Kanye West和卡戴珊的在Ray J面前性爱恶搞成人影片细节曝光
2013-05-30昨天已经报道,一部卡戴珊家族成人恶搞录影带正在拍摄中..女主角成人女星酷似卡戴珊。Kanye West对此事感到恶心。
现在,让人更加恶心感到荒唐的成人录影带细节曝光。扮演Kanye West和卡戴珊的成人明星在扮演Kim前男友Ray J的人面前进行性爱活动。
Ray J (John Johnson) is at the studio recording, and he walks down the hallway to peep another studio room, where he sees Kim (Kiara Mia) sitting there watching Kanye (Flash Brown) record a song. Ray J enters room jealous and outraged, yelling at Kanye, and he is quickly punched and knocked out cold. Kim is so turned on by Kanye knocking out Ray J, that she and Kanye have sex scene in recording studio as Ray J is on the floor knocked out cold.
假Ray J因为嫉妒,进入了假卡戴珊和假Kanye所在的录音室房间。然后很愤怒向Kanye嚷嚷。他被Yeezy狠狠地揍了躺在地上,之后,Kanye和Kim在他面前进行了性爱。
卡戴珊的母亲Kris,妹妹Khloe Kardashian和NBA球星老公奥多姆,姐姐Kourtney也没能幸免…
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