盛况法兰西体育场! Rihanna分享照片让你瞧瞧什么叫爆满..80,000人看她表演 (5张照片)


盛况法兰西体育场! Rihanna分享照片让你瞧瞧什么叫爆满..80,000人看她表演 (5张照片)

盛况法兰西体育场! Rihanna让你瞧瞧什么叫爆满..80,000人看她表演于巴黎。


I couldn’t do this alone, I needed 80’000 people to join me!!! And you did, so thank you for being the fans of a lifetime, we’re the ones they’re gonna talk about decades from now! You are the phanz that other faves could only dream to have!! I am blessed and honored and proud and humbled to be represented by you and to represent for you!!!! It’s a Navi thing!!

哪里最浪漫? 当然是在法国巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔..Rihanna享受了一回 (Pt.1/19张照片) | pt.2 26张照片
火爆! Rihanna是巴黎的粉丝..巴黎也是她的粉丝..在75,000多人面前演出 (25张照片)

This sh*t happened!!! And it happened to me!!!! I can’t even begin to describe the way this made me feel, to sell out the biggest stadium in France on my tour!!! Jah run tings bout here!


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