加拿大模特:Kanye West 出轨去年和她开始发生关系, 甚至在Kim怀孕时..还有上周?! (照片)
2013-06-13加拿大模特接受Star杂志采访声称Kanye West 出轨??的新闻持续在互联网喧哗。
这位名叫Leyla Ghobadi的加拿大女模特说,Kanye在去年开始就和她发生关系,当Kanye女友卡戴珊Kim K.怀孕时也和她发生关系,而甚至就在最近上周末Kanye也找她发生关系。
Kanye West刚刚度过36岁生日..这里送上36张各种各样的Yeezy的GIF动画图片 (36张)
模特说:自己是在2012年7月的在Kanye的Atlantic City演唱会认识的,当时Kanye在舞台上发现她,让随行把她带到后台和Kanye见面,随后在Revel的HQ夜店当晚喝了几杯..
Chick told Star Magazine that she first met Kanye at his concert in Atlantic City at Revel back in July of 2012. Apparently he spotted her in the crowd whie she was dancing it up, and had a member of his entourage go into the crowd to ask her to meet him backstage and for drinks in Revel’s HQ nightclub.
而在大西洋城演唱会第二晚,模特说Kanye再约她,在演唱会结束后两人见面发生关系,而在Kim已经怀孕时,也就是在2012年10份Kanye在纽约宣布Kim怀孕前,他们又见面发生关系。上周Kanye再次找她发生关系,但她拒绝了,因为她知道Kim已经怀孕了,模特说自己不会那样做..’I would never do that to someone.’
谁都知道Kanye West在引领潮流..二十几张照片看透Yeezy几年来的前卫时尚 (22张照片)
‘This is going to destroy the Kardashian family. It’s bad. It’s really bad. It’s just embarrassing. But if I were Kim and about to have a baby, I would want to know.’
太霸气了!! 恨透狗仔的Kanye West羞辱狗仔:给我闭嘴!! 永远不要废话!! (视频)
“This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It’s a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible ‘news’ sources. This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives.”
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