怒气冲天! J. Cole受到刺激..在微博上疯狂地抨击..又疯狂地赞扬 (12张图片)


怒气冲天! J. Cole受到刺激..在微博上疯狂地抨击..又疯狂地赞扬 (12张图片)

怒气冲天! J. Cole受到刺激..在微博上疯狂抨击..又疯狂地赞扬…

Jay-Z的徒弟新专辑Born Sinner本周刚刚发行,销量真是令人满意。但Cole对各种媒体的销量预测,专辑的评价等事情感到厌恶。


“Projections f*cking up hip hop. First week tally’s f*ckin up hip hop. Your 1 listen reviews are f*cking up hip hop. To keep it real, your whole publication is f*ckin up hip hop.”

接着赞扬兄弟们和老板:Drake,Jay-Z, Chance the rapper, Kendrick Lamar, Ab-soul等:

“Drake saving hip hop Hov Saving hip hop. Chance the rapper saving hip hop. k. Dot saving hip hop. Ab-soul saving hip hop. And more important than them niggas. The PEOPLE are saving hip hop.”


“You niggas are Critics. Not fans. F*ck critics. The people decide.”


“I’m not done. I was just celebrating my 2nd album. #notsupposedtobehere. Fayettenam. Tweeting from mobile web. Nothing gangsta bout that. so much to say not enough characters. Thank you. Long live hip hop beetch.”

J. Cole的音乐谁不喜欢,了解他的人都知道他在说什么…

嘻哈拯救了J. Cole的“生命”…同样拯救了许多人的一生。

J. Cole发布和50 Cent, Bas 新专辑合作歌曲 New York Times (音乐)


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