Kanye West 收到卡戴珊父亲节礼物:苹果创始人乔布斯和沃兹亲笔签名产品 (照片)


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Kanye West 收到卡戴珊父亲节礼物:苹果创始人乔布斯和沃兹亲笔签名产品 (照片)

Kanye West的第一个父亲节一定非常难忘,不仅是第一次,而且孩子母亲Kim Kardashian卡戴珊送的礼物也足以感动Yeezy。

Kanye West 又一徒弟离开G.O.O.D Music..Kid Cudi之后又一个


“one of the other gifts my girl gave me for fathers day,”

礼物是已故苹果公司创始人乔布斯Steve Jobs,和另外创始成员沃兹Steve Wozniak亲笔签名产品,苹果公司的著名产品鼠标。

Kim也在Yeezy的生日party上邀请了沃兹到她家,也见到了刚出生的女儿North West。

“I’ve seen a lot of babies..And a baby represents the love between the people, and that meant more to me and the love that Kim was showing to Kanye, just because he was interested in technology and companies, she—as a birthday present—she had me up there to meet him.”


“I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means, I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period.”


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