Jay-Z 违背承诺..在微博上亲自回答了所有粉丝奇怪的问题,@或没@他,他都回答..


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Jay Z 违背承诺..在微博上亲自回答了所有粉丝奇怪的问题,@或没@他,他都回答..

Jay-Z #newrules everyday. 推广新专辑Magna Carta… Holy Grail.

Jay-Z在2周前表示过自己今年不会再发任何一条微博了,但在新专辑昨晚正式发行前,他登录了Twitter帐号回答了所有粉丝奇怪的问题,值得一提的是,不管你@了Hov微博@Mr. Carter还是没有@,他都会回答。

Jay-Z 发布新歌 Dead Presidents 3 (原版/ 音乐)


Hov用他的The Watcher 2歌词回答: [“Doing all sorts of twisted sh*t with your fingers” #mylaugh]

其他有趣的回答包括:如今99个问题解决了吗? 新专辑Beach Is Better为什么那么短? 是Jay-Z本人回答微博吗? 你真的认为Miley会在美国其他地方Twerk?

RT @SteveHiggz Why is “Beach is Better” so short man??? [This is how I feel about vacation. Just when,]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_)

RT @TylerBritter Do you still have 99 problems or have they all been sorted? [#newrules new problems]
— Mr. Carter (@S_C_)

RT @BLAZNBEAUTY I wonder why Jay Z actually responding to tweets? [great question..I don’t have a great response #factsonly]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_)

RT @LosOD If Jesus loves me, jayz will respond to my tweet [Jesus loves you..and Hova and Yesus.]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_)

RT @_VintageVisual LOOOOOOLLL who is in charge of Jay-Z’s tweets????? I am dying right now *Jay-Z laugh [well I am of course..FACTS only..]

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_)

@brianfagioli YES. *my laugh

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013

RT @youngstacks92 You really think Miley Cyrus still twerking somewhere in America? [Black neighbor,and the daughter not seeing color] twerk

— Mr. Carter (@S_C_) July 8, 2013


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