缓刑期撤销..Chris Brown情绪低迷..但为什么还会出去Party??


缓刑期撤销..Chris Brown情绪低迷..但为什么还会出去Party??

缓刑期撤销..Chris Brown情绪低迷..但为什么还会出去Party??

因为他的团队把他带了出去,而其中最重要的支持者之一/分分合合的女友Karrueche Tran也会支持他出去散心。


“He looked bad, and no one wants to see their people looking like that. The next best thing to do was to go out and blow off some steam.”


Karrueche Tran同样会支持Breezy去party:

“If Karrueche was with him, she would have encouraged him to go out too. It just doesn’t make any sense for him to be home with everything heavy on his mind.”


“Life’s too short for him to be down and out, sitting at home moping around. He might as well take his mind off that nonsense and go out and have fun. That’s how Chris is — he’ll be sick one day and feeling blue, but the next minute, he’ll pop up like nothing even happened.”

尽管可能入狱威胁着Chris Brown..没事!! 继续Party.. Snoop Dogg与他一起 (5张照片)

就像消息人士透露的那样。Chris当晚与Snoop Dogg等朋友一起party时很尽兴,忘记了一切。

“They were laughing and enjoying the sights of the tremendous amounts of bunnies and hot girls that were there. But Chris kept it like a museum and looked but didn’t touch.”

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