美国总统奥巴马谈Trayvon Martin案件判决:我过去可能就是那个Trayvon


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美国总统奥巴马谈Trayvon Martin案件判决:我过去可能就是那个Trayvon

一周前,美国黑人青年Trayvon Martin在去年被白人男子George Zimmerman美国枪杀的无罪判决出来后,40多位明星不满判决。美国多个地区爆发了抗议活动。现在现在总统奥巴马 Obama召开新闻发布会谈Trayvon Martin判决,因为案件涉及到种族问题,奥巴马的新闻发布会是具有历史意义的。

43位明星非常愤怒对Trayvon 谋杀案凶手的无罪判决:Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Nicki, Diddy..

奥巴马说:去年当Trayvon Martin刚被枪杀时,我说过,我的儿子可能也会和Trayvon 一样。 而35年前,我可能就是那个Trayvon。

You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.

奥巴马也表示在美国黑人都会遭遇到不公平的待遇:商场购物被跟踪,大街上会听到锁车门的声音,他都遇到过, 而很少黑人男子没有不遇到过进电梯时,女子紧张紧握她的钱包的经历..

There are very few African American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me — at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.

美国总统奥巴马说:我有99 Problems, Jay-Z现在是其中一个麻烦..(视频)


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