Jay Z透露他和老婆Beyoncé为什么会到现场支持Trayvon Martin活动


Jay Z透露他和老婆Beyoncé为什么会到现场支持Trayvon Martin活动

Jay Z透露他和老婆Beyoncé为什么会到现场支持Trayvon Martin活动。著名民权活动家Al Sharpton 也参加了这场集会,他向媒体透露Jay和老婆Bey来到现场的动机。

“Jay-Z and Beyonce said they didn’t want to speak and they didn’t come for a photo op.

Jay-Z told me, ‘I’m a father. Beyoncé is a mother.’ We all feel the pain and apprehension – the laws must protect everybody, or it doesn’t protect anybody … We do not come from hate, we come from love of children.”

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