社交媒体巨头Facebook创始人CEO扎克博格一度以为50 Cent 将为他公司工作 (照片)


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社交媒体巨头Facebook创始人CEO扎克博格一度以为50 Cent 将为他公司工作 (照片)

50 Cent 高中没有读完,但社交媒体巨头Facebook创始人CEO Mark Zuckerberg 扎克博格曾一度认为他将接管集团旗下商务部门(head of Business Development )。

就因为Facebook老板看错了Face,当Facebook另外的创始人Eduardo Saverin 商务发展部门的总监工作要被Kevin Colleran替换时,扎克博格把这位毕业于霍普金斯大学的高材生和说唱巨星50 Cent混淆了。原因出自Colleran在自我简介上使用了和50 Cent一起的照片。

关于Facebook的书The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting The World记载,扎克博格约第一次会见Kevin Colleran的有趣经历,他以为见他的是黑皮肤的50 Cent。 “we thought you were African-American.”

Zuckerberg arranged to meet Colleran in front of the Virgin Megastore on New York’s Union Square. Colleran showed up late and was walking toward Zuckerberg when he got a phone call from his new boss. ‘Where are you?’ Zuckerberg asked. ‘Zuck! I’m right in front of you!’ Colleran replied. Zuckerberg looked crestfallen. He thought Thefacebook’s ad salesman was the tough-looking Black guy in the profile photo.

虽然这是Facebook的早期,那个时期Fif的专辑Get Rich Or Die Trying已经销售超过800万张,当时已经被师父Eminem和Dr.Dre签下。



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