看看Rihanna穿什么在家乡Party..性感暴露的衣着在大马路上… (13张照片)
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看看Rihanna穿什么在家乡Party..太暴露的衣着…其实,这是RiRi家乡的一种地方风俗活动Crop Over Festival,穿着性感的服装在大马路上尽情的high。更多照片在下一页
Woke up in paint and a veil from partying in de street all morning!!! #Barbados #FOREDAYmorning CROP OVA almost here! #heauxm
And on that note, glam starts NOW!!! New cover shoot today! I got a hustler spirit nigga, PERIOD.
从上到下全透明..Rihanna 性感着装出现在洛杉矶夜店Party (10张照片)
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