帕丽斯·希尔顿超级喜欢Lil Wayne..不是一般的… 看了都让人产生联想…


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帕丽斯·希尔顿超级喜欢Lil Wayne..不是一般的... 看了都让人产生联想...

帕丽斯·希尔顿是最新签约Lil Wayne所在的厂牌Cash Money的艺人。和Weezy的关系本身就很好,他们合作过歌曲。她近日接受采访时,谈到好朋友Wayne。


How was it working with Lil Wayne?

He’s so awesome. He’s so down to earth and chill and so talented. He can just write on the spot and come up with these amazing verses. The song that we did together is so incredible and I’m so happy about it.

I was surprised at how intelligent he was and he was just such a gentleman. When you meet some people you don’t really know what to expect and with him, he was just such a kind person with a big heart and I really love him.

看得出希尔顿真的很喜欢Weezy,她能签到Cash Money和Wayne做同事,相信Wayne在里面做出了头等的贡献。

Lil Wayne穿上Trayvon Martin头像T-Shirt在首都华盛顿向奥巴马政府喊话 (11张照片)

她上面谈论的合作歌曲名叫Good Time,MV已经拍摄。

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