Jay Z抨击政治活动家/歌手Harry Belafonte..说干嘛把我老婆Beyonce拖下水..很卑劣


林氏兄弟官方商城:JAY Z

Jay Z抨击政治活动家/歌手Harry Belafonte..说干嘛把我老婆Beyonce拖下水..很卑劣

怀恨在心的人一个接一个针对JAY Z.. Jay Z抨击政治活动家/歌手Harry Belafonte.. 回应说干嘛把我老婆Beyonce拖下水…


“I didn’t think it was the correct venue [to speak out against me]. If it was something, a real problem, you know I’m not very difficult to find, especially someone of that stature. He can reach out to me and we can have a conversation and we’ll do some good together.

But you know, I just thought that sort of was a bit grandstanding to me and I didn’t appreciate that especially dragging my wife into it, that was a bit of a low blow.”

Jay Z新的动态艺术杰作Picasso Baby MV马上有了21张最精彩的画面 (GIF动态图片)

Jay认为Belafonte可以很轻松地找到他坐下来好好谈谈,没有必要公开的指责。而且,还把自己的妻子Beyonce拖下水。Hov接受不了, 觉得这样很卑劣。

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