Watch The Throne.. Drake登上XXL杂志16周年期刊封面 (第150期刊/图片)


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Watch The Throne.. Drake登上XXL杂志16周年期刊封面 (第150期刊/图片)

XXL庆祝了他们的杂志第150期刊和16周年。新巨星Drake合情合理地登上了这一重要期刊封面, 在下一页。

Drake 谈和Kanye West同台表演:是一生最重要的时刻..两人舞台前没有讲过话 (视频)

谈论新专辑Nothing Was The Same:

I remember coming into this year thinking, “How am I going to cut through all these people and shine?” I’ve never been part of a year when so many legends are dropping projects. How am I going to be seen? I’m going to be like the kid waving in the background in the photo with all of his tall relatives. And, I guess, those were my initial thoughts, and not to say that I haven’t enjoyed some of the stuff that has come out this year, but it didn’t pan out the way I thought it was going to. I think I am going for it, to really establish what are murmurs or things being said quietly, “Um, I think that Drake might actually…” On September 17th I want people to be like, “Oh, we were right.”

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