Eminem 再次拒绝邀请,这次不是好莱坞电影,是音乐 (视频)


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Eminem 再次拒绝邀请,这次不是好莱坞电影,是音乐 (视频)

谁都想和超级巨星Eminem 合作,不管是电影还是音乐。不久前Eminem 拒绝成为好莱坞电影Elysium 主演。现在他又拒绝了客串嘻哈团体Goodie Mob的歌曲White Power。

团体成员超级明星Cee Lo 谈到,团体邀请Em 加入歌曲中,他原本以为Em客串歌曲没有什么问题,因为Em已经准备回归也在准备自己专辑:

“It had gotten out to the press and I just thought that it made a bold statement so I thought that Eminem would easily jump at the controversy being that I heard he had been gearing up to do a new record and getting ready to get back out and fight,”


“I would love to stand beside him on a sentiment, on a stance like that and just as a fan of his, I just wanted to hear him spit crazy on this particular track, It sounds really unorthodox; it didn’t sound like anything I had ever heard him rhyme on before.”


“I was just as a fan, really anticipating what he could do it. I don’t know for whatever reason we weren’t able to do it, I would’ve really liked to see it happen, but it did make the record though.”

歌曲还是会按时出现在Goodie Mob的新专辑 Age Against the Machine上,8月27日发行。

Eminem 在纽约Shock the World活动上表演..卖力演出看上去有点憔悴 (8张照片)

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