坏消息! Chris Brown被确定突发癫痫..他的发言人声明..美国权威媒体CBS News报道


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坏消息! Chris Brown被确定突发癫痫..他的发言人声明..美国权威媒体CBS News报道

坏消息! Chris Brown被确定突发癫痫..他的发言人发邮件声明.. 美国权威媒体CBS News报道… 原因是? 每个人都有…

根据CBS News报道,Breezy突发癫痫是因为过度的疲劳和巨大的精神压力情绪紧张导致。昨天,我们已经报道了Chris突发癫痫。现在,已经被确定。

The “Look At Me Now” singer suffered a non-epileptic seizure early Friday morning while he was working in a Los Angeles studio, Nicole Perna said via email.

Perna said Brown’s doctor attributes the episode to “intense fatigue and extreme emotional stress, both due to the continued onslaught of unfounded legal matters and the nonstop negativity.”

The doctor examined the 24-year-old but he wasn’t hospitalized.

(CBS News)

Chris Brown 身体突发癫痫Seizure ??? 前女友Karrueche Tran微博上祈祷?! (报道)


Chris Brown目前并没有入院,但有医生24小时看护。


不多说了.. 祝Breezy早日康复!!

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