Kendrick Lamar的Control竞争性歌词刺激了同样成功的Macklemore:Angry Battle开始


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Kendrick Lamar的Control竞争性歌词刺激了同样成功的Macklemore:Angry Battle开始

Macklemore不想去花时间争辩Kendrick Lamar在Control歌词中提到King of New York。但Macklemore想参与竞争,他想和K.Dot, Drake, J.Cole等进行lyrical battle.

西雅图说唱歌手在Power 105.1说:”I’m a competitive person,”

他补充说:每个说唱歌手,在听完那歌曲后,那一晚都在写angry battle raps…我也是。我没有生气,但足足有2天,我要参与,这是很好的一件事。每个人都知道,每个人都在竞争。

Wow!!! 西海岸的Kendrick Lamar 自称纽约之王..纽约传奇Nas终于回应..是否被冒犯?


“If you get on a song with somebody else, there’s not one rapper in the game that’s not like, ‘I want to have the best verse. I’m trying to out-rap the dude next to me.’ That’s natural. Kendrick is a competitive dude. He’s always said it and he works his ass off. I think he’s at that place in the game where he can say something like that and back it up. That’s the beautiful thing. It challenges everyone else to raise their bars and work as hard as he does.”

在过去的一周无数的说唱歌手回应了Kendrick Lamar在Control歌词上发出的挑战,详细进入

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