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NBA快船球星马特·巴恩斯Matt Barnes 和妻子/BBW LA的女明星 Gloria Govan在一周前举行了婚礼,而他们追随内心,在婚礼上选择了已故嘻哈传奇Tupac的歌曲All Eyez On Me作为婚礼进行曲。


“Yeah, well you know, that stuff’s just crazy. I walked out the aisle – ‘All Eyes On Me’ with Tupac. And it was crazy is that Matt actually picked out all the music – all the music! So I didn’t know what I was going to walk down to. I was like, “Yes, it’s going to be like Jesse Powell or like, you know some… I had no clue what I was walking down to, so I was like… “Alrrrrright boy”.


然后Gloria透露,丈夫巴恩斯选了所有的歌曲,让她没有头绪,最后听了2Pac的歌曲,Damn, that’s hilarious,太喜庆了。最终选择了歌曲,just fun.

And when I heard it, I’m like “Damn, that’s hilarious”. I stopped and posed at the top and then I kept on moving so it was amazing, it really was all ‘us’ – what we represent and just fun. We have been married for almost a year now so we really just wanted it to be crazy and that’s exactly what it was.”

曾经的NBA超级巨星艾弗森Allen Iverson即将正式退役

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