Talib Kweli 发布最新专辑Gravitas官方封面..油画艺术 (图片)


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Talib Kweli 发布最新专辑Gravitas官方封面..油画艺术 (图片)

Talib Kweli 在今年5月份发行完个人专辑Prisoners of Conscious后,现在宣布了新的专辑Gravitas。他同时发布官方封面。

群雄鼎立..嘻哈历史上15大首张销量排名..谁的冠军销量达到900万张? (1-15名榜单)


When you pre order my newest project, Gravitas, available Dec 15th, you will be buying it directly from me, no middleman, and I will now have a direct relationship with you. Who needs this industry when we have each other. The technology exists for me to have this relationship with the fans, and vice versa. It is a grand experiment. Lets go for it!

新专辑制作团队包括:Q-Tip, OhNo, Lord Quest, Rich Kidd等。

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