Rihanna在家乡巴巴多斯庆祝Grandfather的生日 (7张照片)


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Rihanna在家乡巴巴多斯庆祝Grandfather的生日 (7张照片)

Rihanna在家乡巴巴多斯庆祝Grandfather的生日, 7张照片在下一页。

Happy Birthday Grandfadda Bravo!!!!! You are so special to all of us!!! If it wasn’t for you buying out the whole tray of mangoes from gran gran Dolly that one day you got off your ship in Guyana, and charmed her with that smile laced with a gold cap, NONE of us would be here!! So Im saying a special thanks to you for having the heart of a Lion, my Scorpio King, Legend!!! They will never know what it took for you to get us here!! I love you way past unconditional!!! You’re true az steel BRAVO!!!! #BirthdayBoy

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