Eminem徒弟50 Cent最喜欢Em的哪张专辑, 歌曲和时刻? (图片)


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Eminem徒弟50 Cent最喜欢Em的哪张专辑, 歌曲和时刻? (图片)

Eminem徒弟50 Cent最喜欢Em的哪张专辑, 歌曲和时刻? 为了庆祝Em的新专辑Marshall Mathers LP2的发行,Fif接受采访时透露到:

Favorite Song: I’m A Soldier – Loved the march cadence. The song was hard with the intensity of it. He was able to talk about things in the song without really taking you to a dark place.

Favorite Album: Marshal Mathers LP – That shit sold like crazy! Great album.

Favorite Moment: The 2000 MTV Awards show when Em came out with all the Slim Shadys.

“不是人是超人”! Eminem的所有8张专辑本周全部进入Billboard 200专辑榜单
Eminem 7张录音室专辑首周销量排名:Recovery, Encore, The Eminem Show, MMLP2 (详细)


Eminem徒弟50 Cent最喜欢Em的哪张专辑, 歌曲和时刻? (图片)

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