Kanye West 布鲁克林演唱会再次疯狂言论:挺Drake, 攻击Bruno Mars ( 10分钟疯狂视频)


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Kanye West 布鲁克林演唱会再次疯狂言论:挺Drake, 攻击Bruno Mars ( 10分钟疯狂视频)

Kanye West 在布鲁克林的第二场Yeezus巡回演唱会,全封闭着装的Yeezy在巴克莱中心球馆的舞台上再次疯狂言论,配上Auto Tune。

Kanye West 发布歌曲Bound 2 官方MV..未婚妻卡戴珊上身全裸客串 (视频)

Yeezy攻击了Bruno Mars,攻击了MTV VMAs颁奖典礼,再次提到对Taylor Swift抢话筒事件。

Yeezy说Drake应该赢得一个今年的MTV奖杯,不屑Bruno,说Bruno却赢得了所有的奖 ( Best Choreography and Best Male Video),

“Bruno Mars won all the motherf**kin awards and s**t.


“What I care about is if you’re an artist and you work hard as f**k and the streets say that you deserve that s**t.

Yeezy说:MTV这样做有目地,是安排好了,为了靠“the prettiest motherf**ker”(指Bruno)更好销售:

Can’t no motherf**kin networks try to gas everybody up so they can sell some product with the prettiest motherf**ker out.”

Yeezy还是提到了抢Taylor Swift话筒(夺得年度MV时发言),依然认为:Beyonce的单曲至今没人能超越:

“I still ain’t see a video better than Beyonce video to this mother f**kin day.”

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