一天不吃肉你行不行? 超级夫妇Jay Z和Beyoncé下战书准备挑战吃素22天


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一天不吃肉你行不行? 超级夫妇Jay Z和Beyoncé下战书准备挑战吃素22天

一天不吃肉你行不行? 任何东西都难不倒超级夫妇Jay Z和Beyoncé下战书准备挑战吃素22天..

这是个危险的决定! 但Hov仍然在他的网站上公布了详细计划。时间定在12月3日到圣诞节结束,长达22天。他还解释为什么是22天。

先不要说你有多厉害! 跟着Jay Z和Beyoncé 22天不要吃荤的。

另外,Jay已经44岁了,Happy Birthday!

再厉害也没Jay Z厉害! Jay让巨星老婆Beyonce为他的新合作产品线做模特 (5张照片)

Jay Z公开下战书细节在下面:

Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you’ve found the way.

On December 3rd, one day before my 44th birthday I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based!! This all began a few months back when a good friend and vegan challenged me to embrace a “plant-based breakfast” everyday. It was surprisingly easier on me than I thought…

Why now? There’s something spiritual to me about it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day…It just feels right!

So you can call it a spiritual and physical cleanse. I will post my progress… Any professional vegans out there that have any great food spots please help out! Please ha. I don’t know what happens after Christmas. A semi-vegan, a full plant-based diet? Or just a spiritual and physical challenge? We’ll see…

Best of luck and health!

P.S. B is also joining me.

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